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World dynamics are changing. National Defense has never been more at risk. Æther Insights is dedicated to making the world a better place, protected by democracy. 
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Col, USAF Retired
Brian Reece retired as a Colonel from the Air Force in 2023 as the Air Force Chief of Undergraduate Flight Training. During his tenure, he oversaw the Air Force’s entire portfolio of undergraduate aircrew training, including eight different type airframes that provide the whole of new Air Force pilots each year.

Brian was the chief architect of the award-winning and revolutionary Air Force helicopter training program. He also scaled the Air Force’s new fixed-wing pilot training program for 2,000 pilots without stopping production. He onboarded the new Air Mobility Fundamentals trainer while  divesting the multi-billion-dollar T-1 aircraft. He coordinated the first full-scale revision of Air Force Pilot Training since the 1990s.
In previous assignments, Colonel Reece served as Vice Commander of the 58th Special Operations Wing, Battle Watch Commander and Chief of International Engagement at US Strategic Command, Expeditionary Air Advisor Commander to the Kandahar Afghan Flying Wing, US Representative to the Euro-NATO Steering Committee, and as a professor at US Army Command and General Staff College. Colonel Reece graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy. A Distinguished Graduate from pilot training, he won the McClary Award at Squadron Officer School, was selected as Air Force Class President at US Army Command and General Staff College, and graduated with highest distinction from Air War College along with winning the Nowak Writing Award. Over his career, Colonel Reece is credited with eight combat saves. He has 387 combat hours and was the 19th AF Instructor Pilot of the Year. He also led the teams that won the Air Force Chief of Staff Team Excellence Award and the AETC Spencer Award for Innovation. 

Brian is the President of Æther Insights Inc. and their chief consultant.

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