Strategic Innovations. 
                         Disruptive Solutions.
Æther Insights Services
Æther Insights provides an entire array of ways to solve your problems and partner for the future. From straightforward understanding of your existing environment to a tailored resolution, Æther Insights consulting is scalable to your needs and the results you wish to realize.
Æther is deeply steeped in educational programs and system optimization. Flight training, technical, undergraduate or graduate - Æther has the background to help you elevate your training program. Æther will refine our approach in accordance with your goals.
Areas to consider:
Data Collection
Adult Learning Models
Cognitive Processing Structure
Human Optimization
Instructional Technique
Technological Integration
Deep analysis is the cornerstone of solution design. Depending on the velocity of change you desire, solutions will be evolutionary (incremental) or revolutionary (disruptive). Whether change is phased or wholistic, your enterprise is a living organism and must be thoroughly researched for predictive analytics and risk identification.

1) Define the problem (not the solution).
2) Understand the goal.
3) Understand the system and how it works (in actuality, not in belief).
4) Determine which parts of the system prevent you from achieving your goal.
SYSTEM DESIGN & change management
Æther Insights is dedicated to helping you develop a winning solution. Deep analysis combined with our award-winning change management approach will result in a personalized approach for optimizing your system or training enterprise. Contact us for ways we can help you custom-build your ideal organization.
Where is your risk? What kind of risk are you concerned about? There are many different types of risks in your system... and not all are bad.

Æther Insights helps you identify the areas of risk and ways to minimize or counteract the threat. Risk cannot be entirely eliminated. But with help, you can achieve the one thing that all successful businesses do: take SMART Risk. Æther Insights identifies the areas of smart and dangerous risk in your system and/or in your goal.
Your film or television program deserves accurate, professional advice on military, police, governmental and aerial action.​​​​​​​
Æther Insights is a full-scale military and government advisory service for the entertainment industry. With over 30 years of military service and another 15 years of SAG/AFTRA experience on the biggest movies out of Hollywood, Æther is here to elevate your film or television series so it may build the most accurate and believable world for the audience.
Click here for more information.
Government/Small Business Interface
Do you seek to sell your innovation or services to the US Government or Department of Defense? The government, like every agency, has its own language. It helps to have a translator.

Æther Insights can help your business refine your approach, hone the message and define the problem you are hoping to solve. Get your message to the right people with the right problem, and you'll find your success!


Æther believes there is no single solution to any problem, and hence multiple approaches through different models of production analysis are required. Some consultant groups rely on their own singular design. At Æther Insights, we use all three top design analysis models to help identify the best fit for your specific concern.

Lean Manufacturing
Lean is a production process based on the ideology of maximizing productivity while simultaneously minimizing waste within a manufacturing system. Uses 5 main principles: value, value stream, flow, pull, and perfection. First mastered by Japanese car manufacturing companies, this system is still heavily in use today.

Theory of Constraints
Also known as TOC and developed by Eliyahu Goldratt. TOC is an analysis system designed to identify constraints within a system that systematically prevents the production facility from meeting production goals. Utilizes three measures: throughput, operational expense, and inventory. Bottlenecks and internal barriers are key concepts.

Theory of Production Function
This theory depicts an ongoing relationship between the physical outputs of a system and the physical inputs. The theory illustrates the relationship between the output prices and the costs of inputs (raw materials and labor). This method is heavily focused on income generated from differentiating costs and rewards through the development process.

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